Upload and Share Files to your Users

Faster downloading speed will create a great impression to your users

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We Offer A vast collection of features. Some of them are mentioned below

Unlimited Storage

Unlimited Storage

With Our Upcoming Premium plans you can upload unlimited files with unlimited size

Fast Upload

Fast Upload

We use the fastest storage services so our file uploading system is comparatively fast

Share Anywhere

Share Anywhere

Share with friends in just one clicks

Multiple Uploads

Multiple Uploads

You can upload multiple files simultaneously. Simply select the files you want to upload and click "Submit".

File Manager

File Manager

You can experience our best file management system

File Encryption

File Encryption

Put Password on the file to make your files more secure


You can enjoy our services by purchasing any of the packages below



Unlimited Storage space
2.95 GB Size per file
Files available for 120 days
Upload 1 file at once
Password protected files
Ultra Fast Download
Enhanced Security
No Redirection
Costum Timer
No plans available
No plans available

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Types of Artificial Intelligence: Narrow vs. General AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) aims to develop systems that exhibit traits of human cognition like learning, problem-solvi...

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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: History, Concepts,...

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a prominent transformative force, i...

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Machine Learning vs. Artificial Intelligence: Understanding...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) represent pivotal technologies transforming society and industry...

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Have any questions? FAQ's below may help you

To upload a file, click on the "Upload" button located on the dashboard. Select the file you want to upload from your device, and click "Submit". Your file will then be uploaded to our servers.

Our site uses the fastest servers available, so upload times are typically very fast. However, actual upload times may vary depending on your internet connection speed and the size of the file.

Yes, you can upload multiple files simultaneously. Simply select the files you want to upload and click "Submit".

We support a wide range of file types, including documents, images, videos, audio files, and more. However, please note that executable files or files containing malicious content will not be allowed.

To download a file, click on the file name or thumbnail on the download page. This will initiate the download process.

While we do not have strict limitations on file size, very large files may take longer to upload and download. We recommend using a stable and fast internet connection for larger files.

No, there are no limitations on the number of times a file can be downloaded.

Yes, you can delete a file after uploading by logging into your account, locating the file, and selecting the "Delete" option.

Currently, our free package is disabled. We offer paid packages that come with additional features and benefits.

Paid packages offer premium features such as faster upload and download speeds, priority support, and an ad-free experience. Check out our pricing page for more details.

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Feel free to contact us anytime we will be replying you through mail within 12 hours

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